By designing our days and weeks in a rhythmic schedule, this predictability gives the children comfort and
familiarity. Our rhythm will gradually evolve with the change in seasons and the children in the program. The day will begin with free play and various structured activities at the school house such as imaginative play, gathering food from the garden for our shared snack and filling bird feeders. Some of these activities will change with the seasons, such as harvesting and drying mint in the fall, sledding in the winter, and planting the garden in the spring, immersing them in the rhythm the seasons provide. Once everyone has arrived, they will be called in for a morning circle which will consist of a song paired with movements. After morning circle, we will head into the woods. Our morning hike distance varies, but is usually around a ¼ of a mile. Once we reach our destination, we have snack and story-time. Then the children will be free to participate in imaginative play with their peers or purposeful work with one of the teachers. We will be providing tools and materials such as chalk, shovels, buckets, and rope to be used in their self-directed play. A variety of activities will be offered to mark the changing seasons. The majority of the day is spent in unstructured play allowing each child to meet their strong developmental need to jump, twist, tug, pull, balance, roll, run, climb, dig, sort, build, and create. Our program will also provide a mixed-age experience. This will allow the older children to share their knowledge and experience with younger children, developing their capacities for leadership and compassion, while the younger ones look up to and learn from them. Towards the end of the day we will hike back to the school house where the children will eat lunch and have an opportunity to free-play or listen to a book until pick-up.
Daily Rhythm Example:
9 am Student drop-off
9:00 am Outdoor activities and morning circle, followed by hiking to our camp location for that day
9:30 am Snack
9:45 am Unstructured play at camp
10:45 am Pack up and hike back to the school house
11:30 am Lunch and free play
12:00 pm Student pick-up
** In extreme weather (thunderstorms, wind storms, or extreme cold) we will remain at the school house for shelter and indoor free play.