Why Forest School

Science based benefits of outdoor play.
Children who play outside are more physically active, which helps prevent obesity, heart disease, diabetes and other health issues
Children with nature-rich schoolyards are calmer and pay more attention to their teachers than children whose schoolyards have few natural elements.
Children with ADHD experience significantly fewer symptoms after spending time in nature
Children who play regularly in natural environments have more advanced motor skills, such as agility, balance and coordination, and are sick less often
Children who play outside have higher levels of vitamin D, which in turn strengthens their bones and immune systems
Children who learn how to garden eat more fruit and vegetables and are more likely too keep a healthy lifestyle later in life
Children who play outside engage in more imaginative games, interact more and get along better
Children whose schools offer outdoor classrooms or other forms of environmental education score higher on standardized tests
Children who grow up having regular contact with the natural world are more likely to develop a lifelong love for nature and care to preserve it
Children are less likely to engage in bullying when they play in natural environments
Children who play in nature score higher on concentration and self-discipline tests
Children who are exposed to the natural world develop stronger awareness, reasoning and observation skills
Children who play outside suffer less nearsightedness and are less likely to need eyeglasses
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Here are some great resources on the benefits of playing outdoors.
Benefits of outdoor play:
Benefits of passive nature exposure:
Collection of Articles on outdoor play:
Outdoor play in the winter:
Interested in sending your child to Maple Sprouts Forest School?